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CBD and Heart

Nov 11

Cannabidiol, often known as CBD, is a molecule that is found in the Cannabis sativa plant, which is more commonly referred to as cannabis or hemp. In the United States, a certain kind of CBD has been given the green light for use in the treatment of seizures. Cannabinoids are the name given to over 80 different chemical compounds that have been discovered in the Cannabis sativa plant. The component of cannabis that is most well-known for its psychoactive effects is called THC, or delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol.


On the other hand, CBD may be extracted from hemp, which is a subspecies of the Cannabis sativa plant that has very low levels of THC. CBD seems to have certain impacts on the chemicals found in the brain, but these effects are not the same as the ones that THC has. For patients who suffer from epilepsy, a prescription-only version of CBD is available (epilepsy). CBD is also used for the treatment of anxiety, pain, and problems of the muscles known as dystonia, Parkinson's disease, Crohn's disease, and a number of other disorders; however, there is insufficient evidence to support these applications from a scientific standpoint.

Can CBD help treat or prevent heart disease?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a major component of the cannabis plant's cannabinoids. CBD, unlike the more popular cannabinoid tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), does not produce intoxication.

The body's homeostasis is maintained in part by the endocannabinoid system, which cannabinoids influence. CBD may help your endocannabinoid system perform its job as a body regulator when inflammation or sickness throws your body out of balance.


Products containing cannabidiol (CBD) have lately become trendy. These include oils, salves, gummies, and lotions. Anxiety, chronic pain, and even cardiovascular disease have all been said to benefit from this drug. Although preliminary scientific and anecdotal data suggest that cannabidiol (CBD) may have health advantages, the truth is that CBD research is only getting started and there is still a lot we don't know.

CBD and heart disease

Because of its anti-inflammatory and antioxidative qualities, CBD may be able to mitigate some of the risk factors that contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases, such as high blood pressure. It is also possible that it will be able to lower the risk of associated illnesses such as stroke.Some diseases are the following:

High blood pressure

The most important factor that contributes to the development of hypertensive heart disease is high blood pressure. A dosage of CBD may be able to reduce the increase in your blood pressure that occurs in response to stress, according to the findings of certain studies.


In a research that was conducted in 2009, rats were put through a stressful experience that induced both an increase in their blood pressure and their heart rate. Both the patient's blood pressure and heart rate decreased after they took CBD.


In a research that was conducted in 2017, healthy human participants were put through a stressful situation and then given a dosage of CBD. In comparison to participants who were given a placebo, those who took the CBD had a reduction in their blood pressure.


In conclusion, while further study is required before drawing any conclusions, it seems that cannabidiol (CBD) may be beneficial in reducing the effects of stress on both blood pressure and heart rate.


On the other hand, findings from a meta-analysis of 25 research published in 2017 concluded that there is no evidence to suggest that CBD has comparable effects when administered in non-stressful settings. If you have high blood pressure, you should discuss the use of CBD with your physician first.


Stroke is more likely to occur in those who have heart disease. A person suffers from an ischaemic stroke when a blood clot prevents blood from reaching the brain. It is also possible for a blood artery in the brain to rupture, which would result in a hemorrhagic stroke.


According to the findings of research conducted in 2010, CBD has the potential to assist stroke victims to avoid brain damage and potentially aid in rehabilitation by increasing brain function.


Another study from 2017 came to the same conclusion, stating that CBD enhanced the amount of blood flowing to the brain after a stroke. However, it is essential to keep in mind that the emphasis of these evaluations was on research conducted on animals. More investigation is required to establish whether or whether these results are also applicable to human beings.

How to use CBD

CBD is available in a wide variety of formats, including topical creams, edibles, oils, and tinctures. Ingesting CBD may be done quickly and painlessly by administering it sublingually, which means placing it beneath the tongue.


Products taken sublingually are a more secure method of ingesting CBD than other methods, such as vaping. They are also capable of producing benefits that are both quicker and more potent than topical or dietary treatments.


Since over-the-counter (OTC) CBD products are not regulated by the FDA, it is very necessary to do enough research before buying or consuming any of these products. Before you take CBD, you should also see your primary care physician.

Make an appointment with your doctor before starting CBD.

If you are thinking about taking CBD, you should first consult with your primary care physician. Inquire with them about a dose that might be appropriate for the symptoms and illnesses that you are experiencing. Make sure that you tell your doctor about all of your prescriptions, including any supplements or over-the-counter aids that you use.


Even while studies linking CBD and heart disease have shown some encouraging results, additional study is still required before scientists can fully comprehend the therapeutic potential of CBD for a wide range of illnesses. CBD is not a treatment that can reverse heart disease.


People may find that taking the vitamins listed above, in addition to eating well and getting lots of exercises, helps them feel more energized and improves their performance while they are working out. However, before taking any supplements, persons who are already taking other prescriptions or have a preexisting health issue should consult with their primary care physician first.